Thursday, January 18, 2007


It snowed!! Depending on where you live, you'll look at these pictures and either think, "that's not snow -- it barely stuck!", or you'll think, "Wow, that looks really cold!". Either way, we thought it was a lot of fun! Although we've only been in NC for about 3 years, we have come to realize that we don't get much true "winter" weather, so we're excited to have some snow! Check out the pics of the boys -- they had a blast throwing snowballs with their daddy!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Okay, I lied -- we're supposed to have a high of 39 tomorrow! Brrrrrr!! I don't think I'll have any new pics of the boys playing outside for awhile!

Monday, January 15, 2007


Hello again! We have been thoroughly enjoying the weather here lately! We've been playing outside just about every day -- which is crazy considering we're in NC in the middle of January! No complaints though, we love it! I added a few pics of our fun time outside in the sandbox this last weekend -- I think the boys brought just about all the sand back in the house via their shoes!! This morning we went to a playgroup with a bunch of the boys' friends, tomorrow is storytime at the library, Wed is music class -- whew! These boys have a busy social life!!

I don't know who out there is with us on this one, but Shane and I have been totally hooked on 24! Whoever got us hooked (you know who you are! ;) ), we don't know whether to thank you or curse you! We watched the season premier, and when it was over we watched two episodes of season one which we're in the middle of on DVD!! We can't wait to see tonight's episodes!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Well, goodbye to 2006! It was a fantastic year for us all -- in many ways I wish I could bottle it because I don't want to let it go. The boys are growing so fast and I know that someday soon I'll look back and wish they could be as little as they were in 2006. On the other hand, it was so wonderful to watch them grow and learn that I am looking forward to seeing more of that!

Christmas was great! It was the first year that Brian and Andrew really understood the Season and all that goes with it. Their favorite gift from Santa this year was cars -- specifically, lightning McQueen and Doc (both from the movie Cars). Oh, and how could I forget -- they also LOVE their "Mater chairs" -- also from the Cars movie.

They are continuing their music classes at Gymboree, and they love it! They get very excited on "muksik class" days! They might take after their Grammy when it comes to music talents!

Shane is doing well too. He was able to take a bit of time off during the holidays, which was a nice treat for us all!